When it comes to studying abroad, most of the time we’re at a loss as to which country we should choose as our destination.

Several questions tend to pop up in our minds, such as which country would be best suited to our needs and budget, along with what are the job opportunities in the future.

If these are the type of questions that you have, then this blog is for you!

So, let’s start by finding out about the top five country destinations for overseas education.


Study abroad in Australia

Australia is popular and actually the most preferred country among Indian students for various reasons, from the rewarding education to the enthralling places one can explore in the country. According to QS world rankings, seven Australian universities are placed in the top 100 universities of the world, which very clearly shows the quality of education in the country.

The general university curriculum is basically structured according to the prevailing conditions of the job market so that students get the best possible education, with the knowledge and skillsets to meet the demands of today’s and tomorrow’s advanced work life. A major update is that the government is now allowing students to work part-time for up to 80 hours fortnightly due to Covid-19. All these perks make Australia all the more attractive for Indian and other international students.

The eight states and territories of Australia largely have an arid climate, classified as desert or semi-desert. There are some exceptions to this due to the huge size of Australia. These include the extreme north where it is tropical (with a rainy & dry season) and the southern coasts where it is temperate, oceanic or Mediterranean. The four seasons of Australia are at opposite times of the year to those in the northern hemisphere. Sydney and Melbourne are the two most popular cities in Australia.

Click here to know more about study in Australia


Study abroad in Canada

To the north of North America lies the second largest country of the world by landmass – Canada. It is becoming famous and ranking amongst the best countries for Indians to study abroad.

Canada is known for its rich and diverse culture. The country is ranked amongst the best in terms of friendliness and education. It offers a wide range of undergraduate & postgraduate programs at both – university & college. Not only that, the country also offers attractive post-study work permit options along with an opportunity to gain permanent residency as well. There are several universities that offer scholarships to Indian students which make it more affordable to study there. You can work up to 20 hours a week while studying and full-time during semester breaks.

The world’s second-largest country has a variety of climates. The northern part of the country is extremely cold and the summer lasts for less than two months in this region. A majority of the population lives near the southern border where the weather is comparatively warmer. Vancouver, located on Canada’s west coast, is rainy and temperate. The winter days are mostly rainy but the summers are filled with sunshine. Toronto’s winters are freezing, windy & snowy. Summers are warm and humid. Canada is known for its fall colours which you can enjoy in September.

Click here to know more about study in Canada


Study abroad in UK

The United Kingdom (UK) is globally renowned and appreciated by everyone for its first-class education. People from across the globe come to the UK for further studies and gain confidence along with the knowledge from the world’s leading experts and academicians.

According to discoveruni.gov.uk, there are more than 450 higher education institutions across the UK which are offering programs in all fields of education at both undergraduate & postgraduate level.

Indian students have a chance to get scholarships and grants being offered by various universities. You can work up to 20 hours a week during studies and full-time (40 hours a week) during vacations, with plenty of job options to choose from either on- or off-campus. If you have been refused a visa by any other country, not to worry as the UK would still be open to consider your visa application.

The UK is an island region and the surrounding sea gives it a temperate oceanic climate with rainfall evenly spread all year round. The daily temperature varies with the 4 seasons the country has but it seldom rises above 35 degrees Celsius or drops below -10 degrees Celsius. London, the largest & the capital city, is in the southern part of England and enjoys mild oceanic winds & climate. The weather conditions in the UK are unpredictable and are influenced by the Atlantic Ocean.

Click here to know more about study in UK

#4 USA

Study abroad in US

The United States (US) is known for its picturesque destinations and being the land of opportunities in many sectors.

The US provides a vibrant lifestyle with various work opportunities. Often people believe that the US is expensive, but studying over there is actually affordable as there are plenty of universities that provide scholarships and fee waivers to deserving Indian students. A student can work on-campus up to 20 hours a week and full-time during holidays with an F1 visa.

Being a vast country, the US is home to a wide variety of climates. It can be frigid cold and hot summers in two different places at the very same time of the year, depending on the latitude and distance from the sea. Generally, the western and southern parts of the US have warmer weather as compared to the eastern and northern parts. The eastern/northern parts of the US experience harsh winters with heavy snowfall but the summers are pleasant. The western/southern parts have extremely hot summers and comparatively tolerable winters.

Click here to know more about study in USA


Study abroad in Switzerland

Switzerland is the land of top universities that offers innovative and high standards of education. Not to forget the beauty of its natural surroundings and various adventure sports.

Not only does the education system provide various courses but Switzerland also gives you easy access to Europe’s 26 Schengen countries. You will be able to work part-time 15 hours per week during semester studies and full-time during course vacations.

Also, students can have the option of getting a dual degree – one from Switzerland and the other from a country the university has a partnership with.

The climate is Switzerland is moderate. There is no excessive heat, cold or humidity. The winters, according to the altitude, is snowy with temperatures ranging from -2 to 7 °C. Summer (May to August) temperatures rise to 25 to 30°C, with temperatures exceeding the 30°C mark during hot summers.

Click here to know more about study in Europe

iae GLOBAL India offers free counselling to help you choose your ideal study program and country.

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